The universal desire to be heard inspires me to listen to you.
“Together, with a little grace, we can make this world a better, kinder, safer place.” ~Steve William Laible (D-OR)
Don't ask permission...MAKE the Rules!!!
And while clichés are important when forming a narrative, as they tap into the universality of mankind, I must ask you, “What differences will you make in your lifetime?”
I encourage you to do something great in the 21stCentury—one thing for you and one for mankind.
Legislatures will NEVER implement your common sense, heartfelt, long overdue call for change. Ask yourself why Congress did not make sweeping gun legislative changes after they themselves were mowed down during a Congressional softball game? Nothing changed after twenty first graders and six teachers were slaughtered at Sandy Hook. If not Columbine, how then is Parkland the tipping point? Can you, will you, sustain your fervor to effect real change?
Imagine the possibilities. This is your moment. You are brave, bright, passionate, and driven. Stop asking permission. Set your own agenda. Make your own rules! I am inviting you to unite under the Kodel Party banner. Change your stars and the stars of countless souls coming behind you!
America has been devolving for decades, long before you were even born. With broken hearts you have had an ‘awakening.’ How do we put a stop to this gun violence?
Leadership is how. Put people in charge, not politicians owned by lobbyists.
You must move beyond your flaming torches. Take back your country with your #No2ElectionPencils ~ Run for every office in the land on the Kodel Party ticket and #WinUSBackfor #AmericaTheBeautiful #TheGlobalKindnessInitiative
Facebook / Twitter: @SteveLaible @KodelParty
Dateline Grants Pass, Oregon birthplace of the Kodel Party - 2016.
A NEW political party vision putting middle class representation front and center. As a nation, we MUST STOP anointing Billionaires, Millionaires, Aristocrats, Bigots & Bullies or Conspiracy Theorists as our rulers! #DoNotAnoint
Let’s be better prepared in 2020 and beyond! Our Goal is to infiltrate the White House, Congress and every state legislature with only Kodel Party members thereby creating a relevant Middle Class third party necessary to challenge the status quo and staid policies of ‘government.’
Organize. Petition. March. Read. Rally. Tweet. Like. Pin. Talk. Share. Fav. Engage. Believe. Step up. Fund raise. Become a voice for the change you truly want. Be the GOOD you want to see in the world. We don’t have to win to effect change. Going forward, once established & recognized, vote only Kodel Party members for America the Beautiful!
If you haven’t noticed before now, ‘Politics’ has become a #BlindCult mentality. They follow instead of leading. They serve their self-interests. They do not represent you. You don’t matter to them. You really don’t. You must change this paradigm for the survival of our country. This is your time. Whomever you vote for says more about you than the candidate! The country is behind you!
Organize & improve our platform on these pages. We didn't get it all right but it is a start. Make it yours. You will be 100% in charge! Propel the Kodel Party vision from concept to reality onto the national stage where you are in power; where you set the agenda and where you pass the laws as the #NewMajority #Millennials #GenZ
Join the Kodel Party. Bone up #BrainStormingPage
Tragically impotent “adults” have failed you terribly in ‘continued’ horrific ways. You CONTINUE to lose your brothers & sisters because of their inaction. These were not unintended consequences. They were instead premeditated, predictable outcomes from legislative inaction. It boils down to cowardice and greed. Conflicts of interests (money) keep them from doing the ‘right’ things! Let there be no mistake. A new day in American politics is upon us! #NeverAgain #Parkland
Why is it a nation with elite universities, stellar minds, and the 1st moon landing has yet to figure out how to best resolve the access to automatic weapons? #ParklandStudentBody #MSDHeroes
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Student Body Who knew? A revolution has begun.
Like-mindedness can effect true, lasting change.
Maybe a tactic to make our schools safe is to unite as one collective voting block!