The Kodel Party Administration has actual healthcare solutions.
Healthcare costs are crushing families. Pharmaceutical companies are exploiting a sick system. The Kodel Administration is NOT above nationalizing medicine for the good of our devolving middle-class. This is a clear and present danger. A national security risk. If you don't think this will bring them to the table, think again. #Leverage
We must care for our children, our seniors, our veterans.
NOBODY pays a co-pay anymore!
NOBODY pays for an ambulance ride anymore!
NOBODY pays for medical testing, treatments or operations anymore!
NOBODY pays for 'scripts' anymore!
A Kodel Party paradigm shift does!
Here's how it was for me during my 22-year distinguished USAF career.
At 18, when I needed my 4 wisdom teeth extracted, I went to my on base dentist.
There was no co-pay. There was no bill. Easy peasy.
When my three sons were born, Total cost: $30!
Had I needed brain surgery, and trust me, it has been suggested from time to time, the bill would have been zero. That's $0.00! Same for a heart or lung transplant or a cough or sprained ankle. It was a free to me system. Military service personnel can receive MRIs, CT scans, have ALL their prescriptions filled, for ... wait for it ... 0! They can seek mental health treatments for $0.00.
Our entire family was covered. That's a pretty good system wouldn't you say?
Thank you by the way. American taxpayers funded the appropriation budgets.
Doctors and nurses were paid a salary based on their rank or rating.
This is a model which can be expanded with the Kodel Party vision.
As a nation, we only need pivot.
We MUST CARE FOR OUR VETERANS! We must no longer wage war. We must make it possible for moms and dads, their children, our brothers and sisters, to exercise true and pure freedoms this great nation affords. We are not statistics. We are blood, sweat, smiles & tears.
The Veterans Administration healthcare system is of paramount importance to me. Shameful. This one organization should serve as a beacon of what's wrong with government, management and Congress. This is not leadership. This is precisely what happens when a government grows too big to be effectively managed. As president, I would tear down the entire infrastructure and gut the administrators with a broad brush as they have tolerated this abysmal situation far, far too long.
Our veterans deserve more than, "Thanks for your service."
They deserve respect! They deserve dental care! Healthcare! Quality care. Compassionate care. As a Vietnam era retired veteran, I am sickened at how government works in all areas of this country but especially with our returning heroes who sacrificed more than you can ever imagine and just because they don't don military attire any longer, they are dismissed as a crying statistic.
Our government would rather fund foreign dictators and prop up other countries than spend the money on our veterans. That's why the care and support is so lacking. Always follow the money! That stops with the Kodel Administration, period!
It's time for a change without the aid of politicians. We need the citizenry to step up and fill the roles where politicians have failed U.S.
Vote ONLY Kodel Party candidates...
We will remove the tremendous healthcare burdens and expenses from ALL US citizens and corporate responsibilities and place it squarely on the the shoulders of a grateful nation.
We are taking R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y!
And so will you. Universal risk insurance will mandatory for you. Every purchase of a lift ticket, skateboard, motorcycle, hang-glider, rock climbing gear, etc., will incur a fee. This collective fund will help fund our national healthcare system.
Remember, this is a partnership. We are removing ALL income taxes, property taxes (for subsequent years after your initial purchase) and shifting to a new funding paradigm where you are in 100% control of how, when, where and why you spend your hard-earned money. It's entirely up to you if you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!
(Note: Every monetary transaction (NTS) also goes to funding your retirement!
We will end Social Security payments in approximately 20-40 years as the NTS is implemented and a huge financial and operational burden is lifted from the federal government. (You really want to read the NTS page.)
We will ensure our population will be well cared for from newborns to seniors.
You will have to pay however for cosmetic surgeries. We are only addressing care to help you feel better. Fix that boo-boo, broken arm, replace that hip, get mental health, hospital stays, tests, blood work, stints, heart valve replacements, the entire gamut, including your scripts and refills. By removing the tax burden and implications from hospitals and medical care personnel, this lowers their overhead tremendously.
We are ending the profiteers. Besides, fines or incarceration or stricter regulations have never been a sufficient deterrent. And make no mistake, if you game the system, you will suffer dire consequences for your bad behavior. Period.
Pill farms, doctors, abuses of any kind will not be tolerated. Selling your pain pills will no longer be profitable as they are now free. We end black markets.
Healthcare Funding:
Currently consumers spend three trillion dollars on goods and services annually. By ending all taxes and returning their entire paychecks to the working class, businesses and corporate America, this will likely triple or even quadruple to twelve trillion dollars annually.
We will harness this fuel for our economic engine to sustain and grow our economy for centuries to come. Creating more jobs, ending or reducing social program funding and dependence and ending the practice of funding foreign regimes will put America the Beautiful on solid footing and back on track to do more than simply exist but thrive. Doing more with less will finally end!
A more fully cared for nation will become the new normal. Pre-existing conditions will not prevent you from being cared for.. Premiums end.
Like the service member, you will also have to give back. By partnering with your nation, you will receive free medical, dental and vision care. These billing invoices will now be paid by the healthcare system. Your days of filling out endless forms or justifying care comes to an end.
By removing taxes from every American household, you will have the opportunity to budget your full paycheck. Predators will be dealt with more severely but that's for another section of our platform. The linchpin will of course be responsibility. This common thread will be woven into the fabric of life as never before.
Americans will be free to receive care from any medical service provider. Medical. Dental. Vision, Mental Health, etc. If you are dissatisfied, you are free to find someone new. Pre-existing conditions will not prevent care. An entirely new billing mechanism will fund this endeavor from the ground up. From consumption to healthcare education to programs outlined specifically throughout this website.